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Custom Board USB HS STM32H7S3

Associate II


I am designing a system to interface an ADC via SPI and send data through the USB (VCP) to a PC.

I tested the flow using NUCLEO-H7S3L8, and everything was working fine so i moved to the design of a PCB.

When uploading the same code i used on the dev board the USB never shows up on windows device manager. I am able to debug the code using STlink and no error is thrown.

My hardware does not include the TCPP03-M20 chip because i am not planning to use Power delivery functions, thus i am connecting CC1 and CC2 with 5.1Kohm resistors to GND.

My device is USB powered so i am not sensing the VBUS.

Attached i have some prints of the schematic.

USB Schematic.jpg

MCU schematic.jpg

Another difference is the HSE crystal, the one on the Devkit is NX2016SA-24MHZ-EXS00A-CS10820 and i am using NX2016SA-24M-EXS00A-CS08891.

Thank you all in advance!


Associate III


USB Device mode is forced in the software (since VBUS sensing is disabled). In usbd_conf.c, set:


Also, check if the USB power supply is stable. For more info about making your own STM32 MCU board, you can see here:


I added the define and the output is the same. But it might have something to do with that because on the Devkit, the power comes from the STlink connector.

I will investigate the USB power supply.

To add more info.

I changed  the PLL Source Mux to use the HSE, and i could debug the code, and initialize the clocks, but the USB still doesn´t show on the device manager. So i think i can assume that the crystal is OK.

The power from the VUSB is stable.