2016-07-02 12:05 AM
I have a project using the STM32F429 MCU with USB_OTG_HS, USB_HOST, and FatFs enabled. When configuring the USB_HS peripheral in the Configuration tab, the CubeMX tool offers only Low and Full Speed as setting options - see attached screenshot. But according to UM1720 ''STM32Cube USB host library'' manual, section 6.4.3 (page 41), hhcd.Init.speed can be one of HCD_SPEED_FULL or HCD_SPEED_HIGH.Comments?Thanks for your attention.Best regards,T. Todorov #!stm32-!cubemx2016-07-04 12:10 PM
In the document ''RM0090 - Reference manual (DM00031020.pdf)'', section ''35.2.1 General features'' says: The OTG_HS interface main features are the following: - It is USB-IF certified in compliance with the Universal Serial Bus Revision 2.0 Specification - It supports 3 PHY interfaces –An on-chip full-speed PHY
– An I2C Interface for external full-speed I2C PHY –An ULPI interface for external high-speed PHY
. The above text may clarify the problem.2016-07-05 2:05 AM
Hi T. Todorov,
Which CubeMX version are you using? If you are using an old version, I recommend you to use the latest: 4.15.1-Syrine-2016-10-07 9:30 AM
The issue is fixed in 4.