2016-06-20 04:48 PM
DMA with adc when configured has half word is generated and save has byte. Reproduction : - new project stm32l152ZDTx - ACtivate adc IN0 - add DMA transfert and set it to half word (default value by the way). - open ioc with text editor. -> DMA_MDATAALIGN_HALFWORD . Cool ! - generate code for sw4stm32 - click adc in configuration, go to dma tab, Half_word -> ReCool ! - click dma in configuration, click on ADC -> Byte -> not cool ! - save - reopen ioc file -> DMA_MDATAALIGN_BYTE -> re not cool! Would be cool to have a place where download old versions of software. Now, I'm stuck with this bug while I could go back to previous version while waiting for a fix. My two cents. Regards Julien2016-06-21 01:53 AM
Hi JulienD,
I transmit your feedback to our CubeMx team. Meanwhile, this is the links of the and . -Hannibal-2016-10-06 08:14 AM
Dear user,
this issue has been fixed in STM32CubeMX 4.16 release.