2018-10-25 6:45 AM
I am having trouble into using Black-magic-probe with my stm32f103c8.
First of all I tried this tutorial : https://medium.com/@paramaggarwal/converting-an-stm32f103-board-to-a-black-magic-probe-c013cf2cc38c
to create my own black-magic-probe, but it didn't work.
I found some binaries files in this git : https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/blackmagic_archive_version/tree/master/binaries
I have succeed to upload one in my stm32 this way :
and it seems to work, I can use gdb, until I make this command : monitor swdp_scan
It's been 2 days now that I am on this error, I absolutely Don't understand what I am doing wrong.
If you have any idea you would help me a lot!
Thank you!
2018-10-25 7:07 AM
Surely, you should be asking Param Aggarwal about this - he's the one that wrote it!
His website is given (twice) in the article, and his various contact details are there.
Or you could just get a Nucleo board - which has a free ST-Link built in ...
2018-10-25 7:30 AM
I tried to send him an email, but it doesn't work, maybe his email doesn't exist anymore.
Do you think I coul program a nrf51822 with a nucleo board?
2018-10-25 7:41 AM
People have reported managing to get such a Hack to work - but why bother?
Nordic make their own low-cost dev boards with a built-in J-Link - I would strongly suggest that you get one of those rather than faff about trying to get some hack to work ...
So I guess this is also you: https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/39745/stm32f103c8tb-nrf51822-connection-and-programming/154101#154101 ?
2018-10-25 7:45 AM
You're right, that's me.
which one do you recommend me?
2018-10-25 7:58 AM
As for any development project, I recommend that you go to the manufacturer's product page, and see what tools they recommend ...
2018-10-25 2:25 PM
https://github.com/blacksphere/blackmagic/tree/master/src/platforms/swlink describes the setup for the minimal STM32F103 boards and the Stlink on a STM8S Discovery.
2018-10-25 2:47 PM
Or there's the standard CMSIS-DAP and DAPLink