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CPU cycles spent (MOOC - MOOC - STM32F7 hands-on workshop)

Hello, I am following " MOOC - MOOC - STM32F7 hands-on workshop" from STM official YouTube channel . In workshop there is example code to measure number of clock cycle spent for piece of code with TIM_MEASURE_START and TIM_MEASURE_END. As there are using different IDE, I can't use same code and not able to find definition of TIM_MEASURE_START , TIM_MEASURE_END. For reference I am adding main.c of code.

We can download full example code with below link. I am referring for example code "Hands_on\Projects\STM32F7-Discovery\01_averageBenchmark".

Any help.


Can't you just use 32-bit TIM2 or TIM5 free running, or DWT_CYCCNT ?

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Yes but its good to check others implementation and get inspired. Anyway thanks for comment.