2013-07-21 6:43 AM
hello every one.i have stm32f407 demo board that i cant program it any more. last program work correctly ,but if i want to erase the chip or program it again make the error
stilinkv2/and st-link software error ''could not disable out protection'' ulink and keil ''flash timeout .reset target and try again '' stlink/v2 and keil ''flash timeout .reset target and try again ''2013-07-21 7:36 AM
Strap BOOT0 High
If READ out protection is still enabled then you perhaps have other problems. What were you doing prior to this? Is the supply working properly?2013-07-21 7:38 AM
2013-07-21 10:02 AM
could not disable out protection
thanks for your reply
i just used spi and eth nothing more .many days ago i Removed jumper of boot0 and forgotten replace it so it was floating!yesterday i use the board but when i reset it , program some time work correctly and some time it don't work and some time worked but stopped after many second .and after this i remember that jumper and replace it! micro don't programmed any more but it run the last programed that i can program it correctly! is it possible that make damage to the flash?now i cant program it erase it even read it .but st link and ulink ident it!2013-07-21 9:00 PM
no i didnt use this pins.even i tried to use flash loader but it didn't worked!
if i want to change option byte make error: ''could not set option byte please reset the target and retry''2013-07-22 6:24 AM
Did you used the ST-Link Utility (
) as suggested by Linas? -Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2013-07-22 10:22 PM
2013-07-26 7:24 AM
2013-07-26 7:44 AM
Well that's certainly an option of last resort.
Are you sure all the surrounding circuitry is functioning correctly? The supplies would be something I'd check, along with the voltage on the VCAP pins. I'd also connect a serial port, probably USART3, and try using the System Loader, initially via the Flash Loader Demonstrator. If the core is powered and not responsive, then yes I'd probably switch the chip out, or experiment with another Discovery board.2016-04-01 11:08 PM
Flash timeout reset target and try again
hello, i am using stm32f407. I was working on PWM using timer4 .Accidently i connected VDD pin to 10V. Now my stm is not downloading program and previously downloaded program is also not working . Every time I press download button it is shownig me this message
''Flash Timeout:Please reset the target and try again.''Please help me how to fix this problem.