2016-08-29 7:09 AM
Dear forum,
i get this error after i tried to download the code to this board: http://artofcircuits.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/STM32F103C8T6-Development-Board-1.jpg I use a ST-Link V2 with the latest firmware & driver installed. I connected Pin7 to GND, Pin 4 to SCLK, Pin6 to DIO and Pin 2 to 3.3V (http://wiki.sgmk-ssam.ch/images/d/dc/ST-LinkV2_pinout_jpg), this is the error from Coocox:D:\Programme\CoIDE_V2Beta>''D:/Programme/CoIDE_V2Beta/bin\coflash.exe'' program STM32F103C8T6 ''D:/Programme/CoIDE_V2Beta/ProjectFolder/STM32F103C8T6TestProject/STM32F103C8T6TestProject/Debug/bin/STM32F103C8T6TestProject.elf'' --adapter-name=ST-Link --port=SWD --adapter-clk=1000000 --erase=affected --reset=SYSRESETREQ --driver=''C:\Users\Standardbenutzer\AppData\Roaming\CooCox\CoIDE\config\flash\CooCox-Flash\CoIDE_STM32F1xx_MD_64K\STM32F10x_MD_elf''
Erase: Done
Program: Failed
Error: Flash driver function execute error
Any help would be very much appreciated.
2016-08-29 7:37 AM
Try to upgrade the ST-Link firmware version through ST-Link Utility (go to ST-LINK>firmware update) or this Link and try again.Regards2016-08-29 7:49 AM
Thanks a lot for your reply,
as i said, i already have the latest firmware installed (and your link doesn't work for me).2016-08-30 1:47 AM
Can you access/flash your board with another toolchain, or the STLink utility software ?
If so, you might look at the wrong place.2017-06-15 6:39 AM
I also have same problem .
when i was doing flash write protection program with stm32f407vg discovery board in CO IDE i enable the write protection and download the program in board then it run .
now second time i disable the write protection and download the code in board i got same error as above mentioned . now i cannot able to do program with my board.
so check my board with stm st-utility and tried to erase sectors and also full chip and also upgrade firmware then it shows me 'some flash pages are write protected' so check all sectors it is all write protected.
so my friend told me try with flash loader demonstrator their i have done all settings and then it shows me this error
'Bootloader cannot be started , please verify the boot mode configuration and flash protection status '.
2017-06-15 11:05 AM
Sounds like you checked some more boxes, the F4 has an irreversible protection mode, if you enabled that then the chip is done.