2013-05-12 3:53 PM
I have a USART data that comes from another device that runs continuously, I have to read all of this data and send it directly to a PC host through a USB.The problem is that I don't want to loose any received data, all of the received data must be transmitted to the HOST.I'm using a STM32F103, so I thought to use DMA in circular mode and then transmit the received buffer to the USB report.As I understand there is no peripheral to peripheral transfer in DMA so I have to save the data in some place before sending it.I didn't start working in the problem yet, I'm still searching for information so any suggestions would be very useful for me. #stm32-usart-dma2013-05-12 7:12 PM
Using DMA or interrupts to fill a ring buffer would be a reasonable way to go.
I don't have a DMA RX example for the STM32F1 series. This is one that does TX.