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Connecting two nucleo boards using I2C.

Associate II

Hello, I just started using the Nucleo board and currently I am trying to connect two Nucleo G071RB by using I2C, using one as a Master and another one as a Slave.

I, however, am not able to even get a clock signal coming from the Master (measured using a logic analyzer) and I am not sure why as I'm pretty sure I have set the Pins right in MX. I try using the HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady function, before the loop, but that already returns a HAL_ERROR as expected.

My code for the Master board can be seen below, if anyone has any tips or ideas please let me know.

int main(void)


 uint8_t buffer[3];

 HAL_StatusTypeDef ret;


 /* Configure the system clock */


 /* Initialize all configured peripherals */






 ret = HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, (peripheralNucleoAddress << 1), 3, 5000);

 if (ret != HAL_OK)


 uint8_t message[27];

  strcpy((char*) message, "Connection to board lost\n");

  HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, message, strlen((char*) message), 5000);



 /* USER CODE END 2 */

 /* Infinite loop */


 while (1)


 ret = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, peripheralNucleoAddress << 1, buffer, 1, 10000);

 if (ret != HAL_OK)


 strcpy((char*) buffer, "Tx");

 HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, buffer, strlen((char*) buffer), 1000);



 ret = HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c1, peripheralNucleoAddress << 1 | 1, buffer, 2, 1000);

 if (ret != HAL_OK)


 strcpy((char*) buffer, "Rx");

 HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, buffer, strlen((char*) buffer), 1000);



 if (buffer[1] == 0xFF || buffer[1] == 0x01)


 uint8_t message[9];

 strcpy((char*) message, "Success!");

 HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, message, strlen((char*) message), 1000);




Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

I would strongly recommend that you don't try to implement both Master and Slave at the same time!


Andrew Neil
Evangelist III