2012-10-14 11:40 PM
Hello Members,
I am using STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller. I would like to know which is the best configuration for unused GPIO pins inorder to save power.Waiting for a reply...Embedded_Geek2012-10-15 12:30 AM
I think, GPIOs are set Output pull down is best way.
From: gopal.ajishPosted: Monday, October 15, 2012 8:40 AMSubject: Configuration of unused GPIO pins in STM32F103RBT6
Hello Members,
I am using STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller. I would like to know which is the best configuration for unused GPIO pins inorder to save power.Waiting for a reply...Embedded_Geek2012-10-15 5:55 AM
if you are concerned with power usage, set them as input
Erik2012-10-15 6:38 AM
if you are concerned with power usage, set them as input
Second that. Floating input.
2012-10-16 12:22 AM
>> if you are concerned with power usage, set them as input
> Second that. Floating input. You surely are joking, gentlemen. JW2012-10-16 1:00 AM
> You surely are joking, gentlemen.
Sure they are, digital floating input can drain some power, analog input may be better, pulldown seems best.2012-10-16 1:27 AM
I think u could close the clock signal, which you don't use
RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(uint32_t RCC_APB2Periph, FunctionalState NewState)for ex:RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(GPIOE , DISABLE);