2011-10-03 07:50 AM
Hi STM32 users,
I am writing an application for STM32 based on c code and I want to develop some unitary tests and do some code analyzis (optimization,....). Is there someone who did it? Is there free tools that can be used easily with STM32. Thanks a lot in advance.MCU Lüfter2011-10-03 08:11 AM
I don't know about free but Atollic has products for professional embedded systems software development and testing.
2011-10-03 10:14 AM
I sometimes do code-profiling by setting up a regular interrupt which peeks at the return address and then adds one to the appropriate ''bin'' (array). This way I can see where the processor spends most of its time and thereby tell which functions might benefit by hand-optimised assembly-language.
But there are often greater savings that can be made by doing the processing in a more-efficient mannar e.g. heapsort/quicksort rather than bubble-sort, use of fixed-point-word-length variables rather than float/double/long long for calculations. And sometimes the right approach is to make your code ''feel'' more responsive by arranging it in threads of different priority. Hope this helps, Danish