2015-10-06 06:51 PM
Hello experts,
I have a question about CM7_ITCMCR value of STM32F7. I am using STM32CubeF7 and I checked the CM7_ITCMCR value at the entry of the main function. The value was 0x73 and this means ITCM size is 8MB. However, the reference manual says it is 16KB. How does it interpret? Thank you in advance and best regards, Yasuhiko Koumoto. #stm32f7-itcm2015-10-07 06:26 AM
Hi Yasuhiko Koumoto,
In fact, the register Indicates the size of the relevant TCM bus not only the 16KB of instruction ITCM RAM, so the 0x73(8MB) is the range of TCM interface bus from the address 0x00000000 to 0x07FFFFFF including ITCM RAM, system memory on ITCM and Flash memory on ITCM.-Syrine-2015-10-07 06:09 PM
Hi Syrine,
Thank you very much.