2012-02-16 1:17 PM
We're having a hard time telling whether or not the STM32F207 will drive the clock for the PHY. There is a sentence in the datasheet that says, vaguely External HS or HS OTG operation supporting ULPI in SDR mode. The OTG PHY isconnected to the microcontroller ULPI port through 12 signals. It can be clocked usingthe 60 MHz output.Does this mean we have to use one of the MCO outputs? Or will the ULPI clock be driven at 60MHz?2012-02-16 1:31 PM
We're having a hard time telling whether or not the STM32F207 will drive the clock for the PHY. There is a sentence in the datasheet that says, vaguely
External HS or HS OTG operation supporting ULPI in SDR mode. The OTG PHY is connected to the microcontroller ULPI port through 12 signals. It can be clocked using the 60 MHz output.
Does this mean we have to use one of the MCO outputs? Or will the ULPI clock be driven at 60MHz? Or PA.5 OTG_HS_ULPI_CK 12-pin interface CLK PA5 DIR PI11 STP PC0 NXT PH4 D0 PA3 D1 PB0 D2 PB1 D3 PB10 D4 PB11 D5 PB12 D6 PB13 D7 PB5
2012-02-16 2:27 PM
We're having a hard time telling whether or not the STM32F207 will drive the clock for the PHY. There is a sentence in the datasheet that says, vaguely
External HS or HS OTG operation supporting ULPI in SDR mode. The OTG PHY is connected to the microcontroller ULPI port through 12 signals. It can be clocked using the 60 MHz output.
Does this mean we have to use one of the MCO outputs? Or will the ULPI clock be driven at 60MHz?
According to the UPLI spec, this line can be driven by the MCU or the PHY. We just want to know that the MCU *does* drive it. The RCC clock tree doesn't give me any place to configure a PLL or divider to get the 60MHz clock.
2012-02-16 2:54 PM
''The USB OTG HS (60 MHz) clock which is provided from the external PHY''
The STUPLI01B outputs 60 MHz, generated via it's external 26MHz crystal http://www.st.com/internet/analog/product/189049.jsp Presuming your part is running at 120 MHz, MCO1 = PLL / 2, 60 MHz MCO2 = PLL / 2, 60 MHz MCO2 = SYSCLK / 2, 60 MHz