2015-07-22 6:35 AM
How to change mail id for this forum
2015-07-22 7:38 AM
Unfortunately this is not possible unless you create a new account with your new mail. Sorry for this inconvenience.-Syrine –2015-07-23 1:31 AM
Ok, Can I link my converstion of this mail id to my new id.
I hope I cn do this, Well if this mail is is going to deactivate what shall I do. there fore I will loose my all coversation along with the solution . Please suggest something?2015-07-23 6:13 AM
This has been a long standing issue, it stretches credulity that Microsoft didn't provide a method/mechanism to change an email address, or click on a user avatar/profile and be able to see all their posts.
Your posts/threads will not disappear. They will be searchable via Google, or locally. You just won't be able to go to your profile and navigate historic posts. I'm not sure there's enough information your haven't acted on that would need ongoing review. My perspective is that this could all go offline at any time, and so won't rely on it being there.Your current user will continue to work, until ST times out the account and require a password change that you can't access. I'm not sure why this is needed on a active/functional account, but I've given up trying to rationalize this forum software.Your option here is really just to create a user with your new email, and you can rename your user to the same designation you have now.2015-07-23 6:17 AM
I will check if this is possible & come back to you
-Syrine-2015-07-23 7:18 AM
foundation of our user identity management is email address. If you change your email address you change your my.ST.com account and your
on my.ST.com. So, with yournew identity
you do not loose anything, you can still find and track all your old posts (bookmark them, set alerts, etc.), but they are not associated to your new user ID any more.