2015-07-23 6:17 AM
Hello! I have 13 STM32F100C8 and I see( Keil memory windows ) at 0x1FFFF7e8 (
12 bytes) very strange ''so called'' Uniqe Ids - see below.ffff8a07ffffffffffffffff, ffff8807ffffffffffffffff , ffffa007ffffffffffffffff, ffff8407ffffffffffffffff, ffff6f07ffffffffffffffff, ffffb507ffffffffffffffff ,ffffa107ffffffffffffffff,
ffff8707ffffffffffffffff, ffff9907ffffffffffffffff,ffffa107ffffffffffffffff ,
ffff9507ffffffffffffffff, ffffa407ffffffffffffffff, ffff9807ffffffffffffffffThose IDs have a lot of ''F''s and even are duplicated within 13(!) exemplars.Please,explain the phenomenon. Thank you. Andrew #unique-id2015-07-23 6:29 AM
Please,explain the phenomenon.
You're doing something wrong, consistently...2015-07-23 6:36 AM
I would like it to be.
See attachment, please... ________________ Attachments : UniqueID.PNG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0hw&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bez%2FcT_.Ruqjx3Chc4NZSXtAwu.1CCPvdFj9QHE2IeCoT4k&asPdf=false2015-07-23 6:39 AM
Are the part you are looking at marked ES (Engineering Sample)?
unsigned long *Unique = (unsigned long *)0x1FFFF7E8;
printf(''%08X %08X %08X\n'', Unique[0], Unique[1], Unique[2]) ;
2015-07-23 6:46 AM
You'd want to pull the lasered production codes off the part, and push them into ST via your local rep or FAE.
2015-07-23 6:47 AM
Chip marked as
32F100C8T6BCH200 93CHN037ST e3 ZProgrammatic reading gives the same resultAndrew2015-07-23 6:50 AM
An engineering review has been requested for this thread.
2015-07-23 6:54 AM
We have not ST locally, chips were bought from DigiKey.
FAE - what is it?Andrew2015-07-23 7:25 AM
For an F103 this works for me:
#define FLASH_UNIQUE_ID1 0x1ffff7e8
#define FLASH_UNIQUE_ID3 0x1ffff7ec
#define FLASH_UNIQUE_ID4 0x1ffff7f0
((unsigned long *)pData)[0] = *(unsigned long *) FLASH_UNIQUE_ID1;
((unsigned long *)pData)[1] = *(unsigned long *) FLASH_UNIQUE_ID3;
((unsigned long *)pData)[2] = *(unsigned long *) FLASH_UNIQUE_ID4;
Jack Peacock
2015-07-23 7:55 AM
Me too, but there's evidently something screwy about the ''ROM'' here, either it's not programmed, or the base/offsets have moved in this variant.
In the Keil debug consolesave c:\temp\rom.hex 0x1FFFF000, 0x1FFFFFFF