2011-11-09 3:14 PM
I am working updating and existing project that has 2 modes of running the usb in our product. One is a serial port mode that is working as expected, and an emulated msd cdrom that is also working as expect.
What I am trying to add is a way to dynamically switch between these two configurations on the device. I have attempted to perform a reset similar to those in the example projects for usb serial and msd, but the host computer does not see a device change. Is it possible to change the configuration on the fly without electrically disconnecting from the host and reenumerating? #stm32f103-usb2011-11-10 4:32 AM
Transistor that enables, disables the usb speed selection pull-up?
2011-11-10 9:25 AM
That would the the preferred way for sure, but unfortunately this is an existing product that has D+ hard pulled up to our primary vreg... so if the powers on, then the usb is pulled up. I was wondering if there is a way to reconfigure it without reenumerating? Les