2014-08-11 06:32 AM
Capacitor C124 on STM32 20-21-45-46 G-EVAL is not installed. This capacitor is part of the debounce circuitry for WAKEUP button. There are 2 more button that have the capacitor installed, so I don't understand why there's not cap on the WAKEUP button circuitry.On the schematic (pag 54 on UM1065) says '' C124 do not fit''. I am confuse by the instruction , I don't know if I can install the capacitor or not, can I?I am having issues with this button, and I think is because there is not debounce for that particular switch. #stm3221g-eval #wakeup #c1242014-08-11 07:30 AM
No Fit is a production/BOM instruction, not a preclusion from you adding it if you feel that's appropriate to your circuit design.