2020-12-31 2:02 AM
I work with STM32H753 through 3-rd side hardware (Algocraft WN-1 programmer) and have an access to the registers. I try to read/write GPIOJ pins. For this purpose I enabled GPIOJ clock by writing the AHB4 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_AHB4ENR)
// Write to AHB4 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_AHB4ENR) to enable GPIOJ
#prog -o cmd -c write -t h580244e0 -l 4 --data h00000200 --mask h132807ff
#prog -o cmd -c compare -t h580244e0 -l 4 --data h00000200 --mask h132807ff --timeout 6000
and want to define PJ6 pin as common output:
// Write to GPIO port mode register (GPIOJ_MODER) PJ6 - OUT, PJ7 - IN
#prog -o cmd -c write -t h58022400 -l 4 --data h00001000 --mask hffffffff
but always read hffffffff value from this register.
What wrong?
2020-12-31 3:38 AM
And can you change other GPIO registers, e.g. ODR? Can you change other GPIO's registers, e.g. GPIOA?
What does the --mask parameter supposed to do, exactly?
2020-12-31 6:23 AM
The mask selects significant bits.
The GPIOA MODER register also includes default data: 0xABFF FFFF.
Data in ODR registers identical to MODER registers.
// Write to AHB4 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_AHB4ENR) to enable GPIOJ , GPIOA
#prog -o cmd -c write -t h580244e0 -l 4 --data h00000201 --mask h132807ff
// Compare the AHB4 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_AHB4ENR) content with expected value.
#prog -o cmd -c compare -t h580244e0 -l 4 --data h00000201 --mask h132807ff --timeout 6000
#data -o set -c out -t file -f \images\RCC_AHB4ENR.bin
#prog -o cmd -c read -m ram -s h0 -t h580244e0 -l 4
// Write to GPIO port mode register (GPIOA_MODER) PA0 - out
#prog -o cmd -c write -t h58020000 -l 4 --data h00000001 --mask hffffffff
// Compare the GPIO port mode register (GPIOA_MODER) content with expected value.
////#prog -o cmd -c compare -t h58020000 -l 4 --data h00000001 --mask hffffffff --timeout 6000
#data -o set -c out -t file -f \images\GPIOA_MODER.bin
#prog -o cmd -c read -m ram -s h0 -t h58020000 -l 4
// Write to GPIO port mode register (GPIOJ_MODER) PJ6 - OUT, PJ7 - IN
#prog -o cmd -c write -t h58022400 -l 4 --data h00001000 --mask hffffffff
// Compare the GPIO port mode register (GPIOJ_MODER) content with expected value.
////#prog -o cmd -c compare -t h58022400 -l 4 --data h00001000 --mask hffffffff --timeout 6000
#data -o set -c out -t file -f \images\GPIOJ_MODER.bin
#prog -o cmd -c read -m ram -s h0 -t h58022400 -l 4
// Write to GPIO port mode register (GPIOA_ODR) PA0 - out
#prog -o cmd -c write -t h58020014 -l 4 --data h0000fffe --mask h0000ffff
// Compare the GPIO port mode register (GPIOA_ODR) content with expected value.
////#prog -o cmd -c compare -t h58020014 -l 4 --data h0000fffe --mask h0000ffff --timeout 6000
#data -o set -c out -t file -f \images\GPIOA_ODR.bin
#prog -o cmd -c read -m ram -s h0 -t h58020014 -l 4
// Write to GPIO port mode register (GPIOJ_ODR) PJ6 - OUT, PJ7 - IN
#prog -o cmd -c write -t h58022414 -l 4 --data h0000ff7f --mask h0000ffff
// Compare the GPIO port mode register (GPIOJ_ODR) content with expected value.
////#prog -o cmd -c compare -t h58022414 -l 4 --data h0000ff7f --mask h0000ffff --timeout 6000
#data -o set -c out -t file -f \images\GPIOJ_ODR.bin
#prog -o cmd -c read -m ram -s h0 -t h58022414 -l 4