2021-05-09 2:29 AM
I can read mpu6050 via I2c1 in stm32F4Disco but I cant read mpu6050 in STM32F746 Touchgfx.
All values returns 0.
This is my reading code. it is working in 32F4DISCO:
#define MPU6050_ADDR 0xD0
#define SMPLRT_DIV_REG 0x19
#define GYRO_CONFIG_REG 0x1B
#define ACCEL_XOUT_H_REG 0x3B
#define TEMP_OUT_H_REG 0x41
#define GYRO_XOUT_H_REG 0x43
#define PWR_MGMT_1_REG 0x6B
#define WHO_AM_I_REG 0x75
int16_t Accel_X_RAW = 0;
int16_t Accel_Y_RAW = 0;
int16_t Accel_Z_RAW = 0;
int16_t Gyro_X_RAW = 0;
int16_t Gyro_Y_RAW = 0;
int16_t Gyro_Z_RAW = 0;
float Ax, Ay, Az, Gx, Gy, Gz;
void MPU6050_Init (void){
uint8_t check, Data;
/*/ First we need to check if the sensor is responding by reading the "WHO_AM_I (0x75)" Register.
If the sensor responds with 0x68, this means it’s available and good to go.
check DEvice ID WHO AM I
HAL_I2C_Mem_Read (&hi2c1, MPU6050_ADDR,WHO_AM_I_REG,1, &check, 1, 1000);
if (check == 104) // 0x68 will be returned by the sensor if everything goes well
//cihaz olumlu cevap vermisse
// power management register 0X6B we should write all 0's to wake the sensor up
Data = 0;
HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, MPU6050_ADDR, PWR_MGMT_1_REG, 1,&Data, 1, 1000);
// Set DATA RATE of 1KHz by writing SMPLRT_DIV register
Data = 0x07;
HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, MPU6050_ADDR, SMPLRT_DIV_REG, 1, &Data, 1, 1000);
// Set accelerometer configuration in ACCEL_CONFIG Register
// XA_ST=0,YA_ST=0,ZA_ST=0, FS_SEL=0 -> ± 2g
Data = 0x00;
HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, MPU6050_ADDR, ACCEL_CONFIG_REG, 1, &Data, 1, 1000);
// Set Gyroscopic configuration in GYRO_CONFIG Register
// XG_ST=0,YG_ST=0,ZG_ST=0, FS_SEL=0 -> ± 250 °/s
Data = 0x00;
HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, MPU6050_ADDR, GYRO_CONFIG_REG, 1, &Data, 1, 1000);
void MPU6050_Read_Accel (void)
uint8_t Rec_Data[6];
// Read 6 BYTES of data starting from ACCEL_XOUT_H register
HAL_I2C_Mem_Read (&hi2c1, MPU6050_ADDR, ACCEL_XOUT_H_REG, 1, Rec_Data, 6, 1000);
Accel_X_RAW = (int16_t)(Rec_Data[0] << 8 | Rec_Data [1]);
Accel_Y_RAW = (int16_t)(Rec_Data[2] << 8 | Rec_Data [3]);
Accel_Z_RAW = (int16_t)(Rec_Data[4] << 8 | Rec_Data [5]);
/*** convert the RAW values into acceleration in 'g'
we have to divide according to the Full scale value set in FS_SEL
I have configured FS_SEL = 0. So I am dividing by 16384.0
for more details check ACCEL_CONFIG Register ****/
Ax = 100 * (Accel_X_RAW/16384.0);
Ay = 100 * (Accel_Y_RAW/16384.0);
Az = 100 * (Accel_Z_RAW/16384.0);
void MPU6050_Read_Gyro (void)
uint8_t Rec_Data[6];
// Read 6 BYTES of data starting from GYRO_XOUT_H register
HAL_I2C_Mem_Read (&hi2c1, MPU6050_ADDR, GYRO_XOUT_H_REG, 1, Rec_Data, 6, 1000);
Gyro_X_RAW = (int16_t)(Rec_Data[0] << 8 | Rec_Data [1]);
Gyro_Y_RAW = (int16_t)(Rec_Data[2] << 8 | Rec_Data [3]);
Gyro_Z_RAW = (int16_t)(Rec_Data[4] << 8 | Rec_Data [5]);
/*** convert the RAW values into dps (°/s)
we have to divide according to the Full scale value set in FS_SEL
I have configured FS_SEL = 0. So I am dividing by 131.0
for more details check GYRO_CONFIG Register ****/
Gx = Gyro_X_RAW/131.0;
Gy = Gyro_Y_RAW/131.0;
Gz = Gyro_Z_RAW/131.0;
and it is my task code:
void StartgyroOku(void *argument)
/* USER CODE BEGIN StartgyroOku */
/* Infinite loop */
/* USER CODE END StartgyroOku */
2021-05-09 11:58 PM
This is not a TouchGFX related question so I would advise to edit the Topic section of your post to add the relevant tags. This will help increase the visibility of your question to people with the right knowledge, as I do not know where to guide you :grinning_face_with_sweat: