2025-03-21 3:00 PM
I just started using and learning how to use the STM32 Nucleo L476RG Board. I am trying to integrate UART into STM32 to display text in Tera Term by using this guide (https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32StepByStep:Step3_Introduction_to_the_UART).
However, after building and running the project to my board as well as connecting it to Tera Term, output text is still not displaying in Tera Term. I configured my board by activating USART2 with matching default parameters as Tera Term, and is connected to PC through USB A-to-Mini B cable. Does anyone have a solution? Thanks!
2025-03-21 4:52 PM
Check with an oscilloscope to see if the PA2 is transmitting. Then you can determine if it's on the STM32L476 side or VCP/Tera Term side that has an issue.
Another thing you can try is to do a loop back test on the VCP. Make sure the STM32 is erased else you won't be able to test the loop back. Place a jumper CN3. You should be able to send some text from Tera Term, and you should see text echo back.