2021-07-03 2:06 AM
Anybody can see content of this thread?
2021-07-03 8:07 AM
I've ran into this a few times in the past week. No clue why, but Google cache has the data:
2021-07-03 1:02 PM
Links I have to older threads don't work either, so I believe the whole shebang simply crashed and the archive is in havoc.
It's also telling how the google cache is unusable courtesy of the idiotic cookie overlay (yes I know how to bypass it thank you very much, but that's not the point).
2021-07-04 2:27 AM
All threads older than 3 years do this. Literally - the boundary is somewhere between June and July 2018.
Given the attitude of folks who are responsible for this mess, I wouldn't be surprised if this is deliberate.
2021-07-04 2:45 AM
How to open the thread entitled "STM32F4 ADC1 starting conversion from TIM1 CC4 event - doesn't work":
How to bypass this cache issue more specifically?
2021-07-04 2:51 AM
In google's cache image https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:laqAdXUaBX0J:https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkZFd/stm32f4-adc1-starting-conversion-from-tim1-cc4-event-doesnt-work+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=sk I remove the overlay by using the Web Developer/Inspector tool to remove the <div id="optanon" ...> element
2021-07-05 1:11 AM
Thank you all for reporting this!
I've escalated the issue to the community IT team. I will let you know as soon as I have updates.
Apologies for the trouble.
2021-07-05 5:07 AM
Thanks, Camilo.
So, were you able to reproduce it?
2021-07-05 7:00 AM
@Community member Yes, I was able to reproduce it using a customer account, similar to yours. The issue doesn't happen using a moderator account, which helps us narrow down the issue a bit.
2021-07-05 7:04 AM
Same problem for me