2017-05-19 01:57 AM
The MCU use 3 volt power supply in my design. And
’s VDDIO is 1.8 voltage. And I saw the sentence�
There are two signals associated with the I
C bus: the serial clock line (SCL) and the serial data line (SDA). The latter is a bidirectional line used for sending and receiving data to/from the interface. Both the lines must be connected to Vdd_IO through an external pull-up resistor. When the bus is free, both the lines are high.
� in your document. So I wonder can I use 3 voltage on
external pull-up resistors of I2c.
2017-05-23 02:06 AM
I modified the circuit, use 3 volt as VDDIO input voltage. Then I2C is OK. It is not right that LIS2DH12’s VDDIO use 3 volt and another device’s VDD use 1.8 volt when I2C communication was used.