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Posted on May 19, 2017 at 10:57The MCU use 3 volt power supply in my design. And LIS2DH’s VDDIO is 1.8 voltage. And I saw the sentence� There are two signals associated with the I2C bus: the serial clock line (SCL) and the serial data line (SDA)...
Posted on December 28, 2016 at 08:23I am designing circuit using LIS2DH12. I want to use the I2c, so I connect Cs to high level, and SA0 to GND. I am not sure if CS should be connected to Vdd, or Vdd_IO. As I understand it, Cs should be connected to...
Posted on December 23, 2016 at 04:42I am a new user of ST’s LIS2DH12. I am confused about the sentence 'Leave “Pin 1 Indicator� unconnected during soldering'. It was in chapter 4.1 Soldering information in datasheet of LIS2DH12. What this sent...