2023-08-09 3:24 AM
tldr; Can I have a timer counter reset (once / one-shot) when the RX pin of a CAN-FD peripheral is activated, so I can later determine the exact time elapsed?
I have a chain of ~8 STM32 devices on a ~2m CAN-FD bus. Several MCU part numbers (mostly G4), but all using CAN-FD (so newer parts). Most of these are sensor nodes and I'm hoping to use the CAN bus to better synchronize the measurements, especially over a longer operating period. Can't really use a dedicated timing signal wire.
The idea is to have the master send a time sync 'start' package. Each slave arms the timer reset feature above. The master sends a second time sync package with a timestamp. Each slave will now have a timestamp and a counter to determine when the master started sending the second package to compensate for varying processing time.
Can a counter be configured like described? Am I barking up the wrong tree (because there's a better way)?