2023-04-17 11:43 PM
I have stm32f407vet6 board as well as another end for CAN is made using stm32f103c8t6, So can you help me setup CAN communication between these. where in stm32f103c8t6 will have usb end which will be connected to laptop.
2023-04-18 12:42 AM
With stm32f103 you can't use USB and CAN at the same time as they share the same memory.
Please refer to RM0008 Rev 21 / section 23.2 USB main features
2023-04-18 1:03 AM
Let me make the question clearer, I have a CAN analyzer with which I want to setup CAN communication for stm32f407vet6.
2023-04-18 1:26 AM - edited 2023-11-20 7:53 AM
To use CAN you have to setup the HW:
From STM3240G-EVAL schematic:
For the CAN software you can refer to the example provided by STM32CubeF4 package under the path Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Examples\CAN\CAN_Networking.
2023-04-18 2:18 AM
Can you provide me something from scratch, like pins and code protocols, demo project or anything with detail about everything.
2023-04-18 3:04 AM
I've already provided the details: HW setup and a project example using CAN networking.
Use STM3240G-EVAL as reference.
2023-04-18 3:08 AM
my board is STM32F407VET6
2023-04-18 4:02 AM
STM3240G-EVAL board features a STM32F407IGH6 which is the same die. You can use it as a reference. Refer to the schematics in the Appendix A section "Schematics".