2018-03-08 1:32 AM
Do you have an example of CAN BUS Communication can be done with the current version HAL and CubeMx?
#can-bus Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.Solved! Go to Solution.
2018-05-09 9:51 PM
Hello Sir,
I am testing CAN1 loop back on STM32F446RE nucleo board. but can not getting it worked. can you please help .
basically i am not using transceivers and used example code found in the cubemx folder 1.21 latest version .
the issue is
/*♯♯-5- Start the Reception process ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/
if(HAL_CAN_GetRxFifoFillLevel(&hcan1, CAN_RX_FIFO0) != 1) { /* Reception Missing */ Error_Handler(); }it is entering in to error_handler in the above function .
Do i need to manually short tx and rx pin ? what should be the state of RX line ?
Can init :
static void MX_CAN1_Init(void)
{hcan1.Instance = CAN1;
hcan1.Init.Prescaler = 16; hcan1.Init.Mode = CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK; hcan1.Init.SyncJumpWidth = CAN_SJW_1TQ; hcan1.Init.TimeSeg1 = CAN_BS1_1TQ; hcan1.Init.TimeSeg2 = CAN_BS2_1TQ; hcan1.Init.TimeTriggeredMode = DISABLE; hcan1.Init.AutoBusOff = ENABLE; hcan1.Init.AutoWakeUp = DISABLE; hcan1.Init.AutoRetransmission = DISABLE; hcan1.Init.ReceiveFifoLocked = DISABLE; hcan1.Init.TransmitFifoPriority = DISABLE; if (HAL_CAN_Init(&hcan1) != HAL_OK) { _Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__); }}
if you want i can send you full code. Thanks in advance .
2018-05-10 4:30 AM
Yo can find a solution here:
2018-05-10 6:17 AM
Did you pullup the Can_Rx pin ? You need to, if there is no transciever
I use checkCanRxFifos inside the
void CEC_CAN_IRQHandler(void) {
/* USER CODE BEGIN CEC_CAN_IRQn 0 */ CAN_IRQFlag = true; checkCanRxFifos(); /* USER CODE END CEC_CAN_IRQn 0 */ HAL_CAN_IRQHandler(&hcan); /* USER CODE BEGIN CEC_CAN_IRQn 1 *//* USER CODE END CEC_CAN_IRQn 1 */
}void checkCanRxFifos(void) {
int readCanBytecount; char canFifo1FullFlag = CAN->RF1R & CAN_RF1R_FMP1; if (canFifo1FullFlag) { { readCanBytecount = (CAN->sFIFOMailBox[1].RDTR & 0x0f);canRxMsgBottomWord[canRxMsgIN] = CAN->sFIFOMailBox[1].RDLR;
canRxMsgTopWord[canRxMsgIN] = CAN->sFIFOMailBox[1].RDHR;
canRxMsgID[canRxMsgIN] = CAN->sFIFOMailBox[1].RIR >> 21;
CAN->RF1R |= CAN_RF1R_RFOM1; // release FIFOcanRxMsgLength[canRxMsgIN] = readCanBytecount;
canRxMsgIN &= 0x3F; // 64 entries only canRxMsgTableEMPTY = false; if (canRxMsgIN == canRxMsgOUT) canRxMsgTableFULL = true; } CAN->IER |= CAN_IER_FMPIE1; // (11) Set FIFO1 message pending IT enable } char canFifo0FullFlag = CAN->RF0R & CAN_RF0R_FMP0; if (canFifo0FullFlag) { { readCanBytecount = (CAN->sFIFOMailBox[0].RDTR & 0x0f);canRxMsgBottomWord[canRxMsgIN] = CAN->sFIFOMailBox[0].RDLR;
canRxMsgTopWord[canRxMsgIN] = CAN->sFIFOMailBox[0].RDHR;uint32_t canRxmsgID = CAN->sFIFOMailBox[0].RIR >> 21;
CAN->RF0R |= CAN_RF0R_RFOM0; // release FIFOif(canRxMsgTableFULL) {
canRxMsgTableOverflow = true; // now dump new frame... }else { canRxMsgID[canRxMsgIN] = canRxmsgID; canRxMsgLength[canRxMsgIN] = readCanBytecount; // to signify FIFO0 canRxMsgIN++; canRxMsgIN &= 0x3F; // 64 entries only canRxMsgTableEMPTY = false; if (canRxMsgIN == canRxMsgOUT) canRxMsgTableFULL = true; } //length = sprintf(string + length,'%08X, %08X :W',canFifoBuf.d32[0],canFifoBuf.d32[1]); // for( int i = 0; i < readCanBytecount; i++){ // canRxBuffer[canRxpointerIN++] = canFifoBuf.d8[i]; // canRxpointerIN &= 0xFF; // if (canRxpointerIN == canRxpointerOUT ) CanRxbufferOverrun = true; // //length += sprintf(string + length,'%02X, ',canFifoBuf.d8[i]); // } //sprintf(string + length -2,'\n\r'); // remove 2 bytes, the last comma and space } CAN->IER |= CAN_IER_FMPIE0; // (11) Set FIFO1 message pending IT enable } // if (length >0) puts(string);}
2018-05-11 4:45 AM
Thanks . i debug the problem and found that TX itself is failing . in the IRQ handler the control is reaching here .
else if ((tsrflags & CAN_TSR_TERR0) != RESET)
{ /* Update error code */ errorcode |= HAL_CAN_ERROR_TX_TERR0; }2018-05-11 5:24 AM
i am using now 'loop back with silent ' , still same error
what should be the state of tx line ?
2018-05-31 7:02 PM
I am reading your attached ppt file. It's very helpful. One question I have is I am using STM32L496 Nucleo-144 board and the Cube clock config is different than in the ppt file.
My question is
Does the APB1/2 need to set to 48MHz? The original setting is 47.66666 and 23.66666.
2018-05-31 7:43 PM
>>The original setting..
Ok, because you've got some odd PLL settings. The APB1 and APB2 can both run at 80 MHz, so you've selected or accepted some sub-optimal numbers.
The frequency is off by 0.7%, might be tolerable, but WHY accept that margin erosion from the outset. Just pick some better factors of the PLL multipliers and dividers, it is just a simple application of ratios.
2018-06-01 11:23 AM
I am using PEAK to send out CAN bus message to Nucleo-144. PEAK only have 20, 24, 30, 40, 60 80 MHz clock frequency available while I can only setup the Cube to have 24, 48, 80 MHz.
So far I have try all of them but the HAL_CAN_GetRxMessage() function never success. The FIFO0 always empty.
I did try both FIFO0 and 1.
filter_config.FilterFIFOAssignment = CAN_RX_FIFO0;
I did my bit timing calculation from this website.
Any suggestions for FIFO always empty?
2018-06-01 3:12 PM
Please review my posts in this thread.
check out:
void checkCanRxFifos(void); below here.
2018-06-01 3:49 PM
I am just pulling, not using any interrupt. The HAL function should work.