2022-03-22 5:38 AM
2022-03-22 9:10 AM
What "help", exactly, do you need?
What have you done so far? Where are you stuck?
2022-03-22 10:31 AM
Perhaps your colleagues, or FAEs at Intersil/Renasas, or contractors/consultants they can refer you too?
Start with a full-form data sheet. Looks to be an "I2C" connection.
What exactly are you looking for it to do in this H7 system?
NTSC/PAL seems like a bit of a cul-de-sac at this point, check the long term availability for the device
2022-03-24 4:49 AM
i am able to communicate TW9990 via I2C , Now i am facing issue to convert data YCbCr to ARGB8888. I am using CubeMX for code generation of DCMI. configuration is below in snap
I got a reference code from examples what it seems it tacking data in RGB656
**************code is below *******************
void BSP_CAMERA_LineEventCallback(void)
static uint32_t tmp, tmp2, counter;
if(ysize > counter)
LCD_LL_ConvertLineToARGB8888((uint32_t *)(CAMERA_FRAME_BUFFER + tmp), (uint32_t *)(LCD_FRAME_BUFFER + tmp2));
tmp = tmp + xsize*sizeof(uint16_t);
tmp2 = tmp2 + xsize*sizeof(uint32_t);
tmp = 0;
tmp2 = 0;
counter = 0;
please let me know what should i change to convert data YCbCr to ARGB8888? or let me know if other things i have to done?
2022-03-24 7:24 AM
@Community member "i am facing issue to convert data YCbCr to ARGB8888"
That has nothing to do with the STM32 - the conversion would be exactly the same whatever platform you use.
Have you looked at the support available from the chip manufacturer?
"I got a reference code from examples"
Where, exactly, did you get that? Is it actually applicable to this chip?
Have you studied this:
2022-03-26 4:24 AM
i am able to communicate TW9990 via I2C , Now i am facing issue to convert data YCbCr to ARGB8888. I am using CubeMX for code generation of DCMI. configuration is below in snap
I got a reference code from examples what it seems it tacking data in RGB656
**************code is below *******************
void BSP_CAMERA_LineEventCallback(void)
static uint32_t tmp, tmp2, counter;
if(ysize > counter)
LCD_LL_ConvertLineToARGB8888((uint32_t *)(CAMERA_FRAME_BUFFER + tmp), (uint32_t *)(LCD_FRAME_BUFFER + tmp2));
tmp = tmp + xsize*sizeof(uint16_t);
tmp2 = tmp2 + xsize*sizeof(uint32_t);
tmp = 0;
tmp2 = 0;
counter = 0;
please let me know what should i change to convert data YCbCr to ARGB8888? or let me know if other things i have to done?
2022-05-26 5:54 AM
as JPEG Decoder example(stm32h743), it decode the jpeg buffer into YCbCr buffer and DMA2D_copy_Buffer () function convert YCbCr in to RGB.
in my project i tried start DMA of DCMI to get ycbcr output and pass the address of YCbCr buffer address to DMA2D_copy_Buffer () but i am not getting RGB output
void HAL_DCMI_LineEventCallback(DCMI_HandleTypeDef *hdcmi)
/* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
/* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
the HAL_DCMI_LineEventCallback could be implemented in the user file
DMA2D_CopyBuffer((uint32_t *)JPEG_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER, (uint32_t *)LCD_FRAME_BUFFER, 0 , 0, 648, 488 ,JPEG_422_SUBSAMPLING);
2022-05-26 6:22 AM
2022-05-26 8:18 AM
> but i am not getting RGB output
So what are you getting? Where it fails?
2022-05-26 11:14 PM
as JPEG Decoder example(stm32h743), it decode the jpeg buffer into YCbCr buffer and DMA2D_copy_Buffer () function convert YCbCr in to RGB.
in my project i tried start DMA of DCMI to get ycbcr output and pass the address of YCbCr buffer address to DMA2D_copy_Buffer () but i am not getting RGB output
void HAL_DCMI_LineEventCallback(DCMI_HandleTypeDef *hdcmi)
/* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
/* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
the HAL_DCMI_LineEventCallback could be implemented in the user file
DMA2D_CopyBuffer((uint32_t *)JPEG_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER, (uint32_t *)LCD_FRAME_BUFFER, 0 , 0, 648, 488 ,JPEG_422_SUBSAMPLING);