2018-04-09 9:06 PM
Anyone has ever tried to install and play with an C++ arduino oriented IDE that uses arduino libraries but implemented for STM32 micros?
Have you ever heard of Sloeber?
Seems interesting!
2018-04-10 12:12 PM
There's nothing to stop you writing C++ code and using HAL.
All of the current IDEs support C++
2018-04-11 1:42 AM
I'm a bit confused about the objective here.
C++ is already supported - and people do use it - in all the standard IDEs - TrueStudio, SW4STM32, MCU-ARM-Eclipse, Keil, and I can't imagine that IAR don't have it.
So there's nothing new or special about that.
The reasons for people sticking to C rather than moving to C++ are not for lack of IDEs.
The 'USP' of Sloeber seems to be its particular focus on Arduino.
So why would one want to use it in place of the actual Arduino IDE?
The key reason would seem to be to get proper debugging - but that is not available for STM32.
(the same question often arises regarding using Atmel Studio for the Atmel-based Arduinos, and the only clear advantage there seems to be for the debugging - which it does provide).
2018-04-11 1:45 AM
Andrew Neil wrote:
There is no debug support for STM32.
That is the problem!
Not an expert here. Wonder if So could help out on how to make it build locally or even better advise Jantje directly to set it up on his Github repository?
2018-04-11 2:25 AM
Yes I know but there isn't any C++ libraries already writen to we can use for hardwares on TrueStudio, SW4STM32...
2018-04-11 5:07 AM
Yes mbed is nice for that but not sure if efficient for debugging hardware and implentations. Plus all is online.
2018-04-11 5:29 AM
Which is a library issue - not an IDE issue.
But, again, you can easily use the 'C' libraries in C++.
It's harder to use C++ libraries in a 'C' project. 'C' remains the majority, and ST need to support the maximum user base.
Have you looked at mbed?
2018-04-11 5:53 AM
I didn't know that one.
Something else I like about Sloeber Eclipse IDE is the fact that you can use print() and read() C commands plus the serial monitor to communicate right out of the box!
(Do not need as well stlink since bootloader allow to directly communicate via on board USB device..)
Truestudio or SW4STM32 do not allow that or maybe it has changed but not for free!
2018-04-11 7:30 AM
g. lewis wrote:
Yes mbed is nice for that but not sure if efficient for debugging hardware and implentations.
Well - certainly no less efficient than Arduino!
And it is C++ - which is what you wanted?
Plus all is online.
No, that's not true.
It's always been possible to export into 'traditional' IDEs.
I note that Arduino have now cottoned-on to the idea of an online IDE...
2018-04-14 10:29 AM
Apart from debug support (which would certainly be nice), all the reasons there are to use a decent IDE are reasons to use Eclipse instead of the Arduino, erm, environment.
I am working on a prototype for which someone wrote *cough* code for the Arduino that was used in the system. After a few hours pulling my hair out using the Arduino software i installed Sloeber and ported the project to that. Now I have refactoring, C++ indexing and all that to help me find the 'features' that are in the Arduino libraries .
So yeah, for me there is some merit to this project. Now, if i could only stop people from using Arduino in their projects altogether ....
2018-04-18 12:42 AM
I totally agree with you!
I wish Hal code were less bloated...