2013-09-25 05:17 AM
I'm programming the STM32F0Discovery. Well, I made a short circuit between the 5V pin and the GND pin while measuring. Now I can't programm the board anymore. The COM-LED (LD2) is turned off all the time and I measured a voltage of 2.4V on the output of the voltage regulator (U1). I thought maybe the voltage regulator is broken, so I ordered one. But after exchanging the voltage is the same. Data (Measuring) -> 3VPin: 2.1V | 5VPin: 2.4V | VDDPin: 2.1V | Output->D2: 2.1VAny idea what I can try? Is it posible to reset? Thanks for your help!!! #stm32 #reset #discovery2013-09-25 07:06 AM
Is it possible to reset?
Evaporated silicon was the fuse.