2015-12-18 07:28 AM
I used STM32CubeMx to generate a simple code. This code is not compiling with IAR EWARM. The reason is the following:#define 8xUSART6_TX_Pin GPIO_PIN_9
#define 8xUSART6_TX_GPIO_Port GPIOF
#define 8xUSART6_RX_Pin GPIO_PIN_10
#define 8xUSART6_RX_GPIO_Port GPIOF
In the mxconstants.h file STM32Cube Mx declared some define starting with a number.
EWARM preprocessor does not support this.
Generally speaking, is there a simple way to report bugs on this kind of code generator instead of using this forum?
2015-12-20 05:18 PM
No! absolutely no simple way!