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Blue pill (STM32F1) board gets programmed through Arduino IDE but not using Keil, chip ID:0x2BA01477

Associate II

I am trying to program STM32 Blue pill board using Keil, and it gives the following error: "Connection refused due to device mismatch; Device connected to debug unit is different from device selected for project target STMicroelectronics STM32F103C8." I am using ST-Link debugger for programming as it does not have on-board ST-debugger. The issue is that it reads chip ID:0x2BA01477, which, I have read on other forums, is the ID read when your board uses clone instead of real STM32F103C8T6. Still, I want to program it using Keil. When I program the same setup using Arduino IDE, it is gets programmed in a perfectly fine way. Is there any other way to resolve this error in Keil using the same board or there is no other option left but to replace the board?


STM32cube prog not being downloaded.png

First we have to know, what the chip telling ...on connect.

THEN we can check, whats the problem with Keil with this chip...

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@IMumt.1 wrote:

My gut feeling is that there is some issue in Keil project configuration. 

Of course there is: you've configured your project for the wrong chip!

You've configured your project for a (genuine) STM32F103C8, and the chip that's actually on your board is not one of them.

So naturally Keil will tell you:

"Connection refused due to device mismatch; Device connected to debug unit is different from device selected for project target STMicroelectronics STM32F103C8."

There are two ways to address that:

  1. Change the Project configuration so that it does match the (fake) chip that's actually on your board;
  2. Change the board for something that does actually have a genuine STM32F103C8 on it.
    eg, a Nucleo board.



Puuuh...problem: could you try with a VPN ?  (Many have problems with download from STM last weeks.)

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Here, STM32 Cube programmer is not available for download, if you have it's setup, can you share it with me, so that I can install and test it the way you are suggesting?

Which version...Win64 ?

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Yes Win64

@Peter BENSCH wrote:

Forget the Blue Pills and buy a NUCLEO, e.g. the NUCLEO-F103RB, they are (so far) only available as genuine variants.

^^^^^ This !! ^^^^^

Surely, by now, it has been amply demonstrated that the Blue Pill is a timewaster - it is a false economy.

Even if you do actually manage to find out what the chip on your board really is, and you do manage to configure Keil to recognise it, you will still have no guarantee as to how well - if at all - it will actually work!


#BluePill #BlackPill #Fake #Clone #JustSayNO
