2023-04-05 2:22 AM
I am unable to connect to the network, it shows the network attach on the oled display but the network strength is zero. Tried different sim cards, but still not working. Also unable to configure modem using AT COMMANDS shows " at command fail". I am attaching some screenshots of the serial monitor and board for reference.
2023-04-05 8:16 AM
Can you provide a complete log file ?
In which country you run the test ?
Thank you.
2023-04-05 10:50 PM
2023-04-06 6:02 AM
By default modem FW is LTE CatM, TP eSIM is for LTE CatM so it matchs.
In case you must use a plastic SIM card there are 2 possibilities.
Either it is a SIM card for a LTE CatM network in this case it should work without modification.
Either it is a NBIoT cellular network in this case an AT command must be used to switch modem fw from LTE CatM to BNIoT.
Note to reuse the device on LTE CatM a similar AT command must be used.
Here are the AT commands:
at at%setacfg=radiom.config.preferred_rat_list,"NBIOT" for Cellular NBIoT
at at%setacfg=radiom.config.preferred_rat_list,"CATM" for Cellular LTE CatM
To know the current status (get instead of set)
at at%getacfg=radiom.config.preferred_rat_list
Also note that in case a plastic SIM is inserted it has the priority regarding eSIM/TP.
So in case you network is NBIoT you must change modem FW from LTE CatM to NBIoT with previous commands
2023-04-06 9:41 AM
Does Truphone has LTE CaTM or NBIoT support in India? Does regular 4G LTE plastic simcards(used in cell phones) support CaTM or NBIoT or Will work this discovery board? Or I need M2M specific LTE CaTM or NBIoT simcards only?
2023-04-07 7:51 AM
Truphone coverage see www.truphone.com/
Regular plastic support CatM NBIoT ? ... refer to Cellular operator of the SIM card
2023-04-08 10:48 AM
I guess regular plastic cellular 4G LTE sim cards don't support CaT M1 or NBIoT. Thank you for your help.
2023-04-09 10:52 PM
Hello sir,
I tried this command (at at%setacfg=radiom.config.preferred_rat_list,"CATM" for Cellular LTE CatM) on teraterm terminal, but nothing happened or no acknowledgement or no response i'm getting from the controller. How do i know that command has been set or sent to controller. I am attaching the log file, please take a look.
2023-04-11 1:03 AM
Do not "trace off"
at at%getacfg=radiom.config.preferred_rat_list
Your trace indicates : at at%setacfg=radiom.config.preferred_rat_list,CAT"CATM"
which is noit the command I provide you.
Thank you