2018-02-17 8:43 AM
I posted about Atollic TrueSTUDIO here because it is acquired by ST. If this forum is not the right place then could you please point me to right place to ask this question.
I started using Atollic TrueSTUDIO since ST acquired it. I am trying to get familiar with it but yet it doesn't feel like home. One of the things I find annoying is to press ctrl+space each time I need code content assist and there is no way to set content assist triggers other than '. -> ::' which can be set in other IDEs also based on eclipse.
Second TrueSTUDIO doesn't provide fuzzy code content suggestions like typing 'htps' should match 'HAL_TIM_PWM_Start' as it does in modern editors like Visual Studio Code.
Is there a way to get this functionality in TrueSTUDIO? or could this be accepted as feature request?
Thank you
#atollic-truestudio2018-02-17 8:59 AM
Still kind of think these things should be discussed over at Atollic's forums, or if they get a Partner page here.
Problem with IDE's is that editors are never really as good as a good Editor, and that features/functions are ones of personal taste. Auto-complete in Keil drives me nuts, for instance, because it stops the keyboard from functioning seamlessly.
It's hard to know if the tool will get better under new ownership or not. It was Eclipse based as I recall, features there would be better directed at developers over there.