2015-03-15 7:39 PM
I'm using my STM32F4DISCOVERY board with the STM32F4-BB shield which contain an Ethernet PHY/connector.i found many example for Ethernet communication using lwip and they work fine.i want to use my STM32F4 board as server and a windows application as client using VB language.but the problem when i connect my board to the network using the DHCP my board doesn't have a host name by default as shown in this picture :http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/12/1426473258-host-name.pngthe goal is to allow the windows application to look for the board address IP using the host name of the board.so i want to know how can i assign an host name to my board ??2015-03-16 4:21 AM
Perhaps your client side DHCP isn't providing a host name properly? Does it work for other nodes/devices on your network?
2015-03-16 5:00 AM
LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME is the keyword you are looking for...