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Are these appropriate LoRaWAN learning tools

Posted on December 07, 2017 at 03:29

I own a NUCLEO-L053R8.

Is it appropriate to get a I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1, plug it into the NUCLEO  and use the I-CUBE-LRWAN (STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.1.2) to start learning LoRaWAN?

Is the NUCLEO-L053R8 with the I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 plugged in essentially the same as a B-L072Z-LRWAN1???

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III
Posted on December 07, 2017 at 16:21

Why risk it?

Why not just get a B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery board, or a P-Nucleo-LRWAN1 kit?


That way, you know you have a complete kit, and you get ready-to-run examples specifically made for it - no messing about with trying to ensure that everything is compatible.


Andrew Neil
Evangelist III
Posted on December 07, 2017 at 16:28

Is the NUCLEO-L053R8 with the I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 plugged in essentially the same as a B-L072Z-LRWAN1???

Ah - no, it isn't.


I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 has a USI module and is really just intended as a dumb modem - using AT commands:


The USI module has a 

Semtech SX127



As noted elsewhere, the USI documentation is, well, 'lacking' ...


The Discovery board uses a muRata module with SX127


, and is well documented.

Note that the 

P-Nucleo-LRWAN1 kit also use the 




Posted on December 07, 2017 at 16:52

The P-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 package includes both shield and Nucleo board ($70), it is the most expensive path. You can buy the shield and board separately more cheaply. The SX1272 shield can be bought more cheaply $25, and a Nucleo for $10, but you already have that.


The B-L072Z-LRWAN1 is a different beast, and perhaps the optimum development/learning platform. The L0 has 192KB of FLASH, and the module uses the SX1276 radio.

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Posted on December 07, 2017 at 16:33

The USI part can be reprogrammed, but it's a non-ideal development platform. The LRWAN that ST supplies is relatively portable across boards and platforms.

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Posted on December 07, 2017 at 16:39

Indeed - but the OP specifically asked about this as a starting point.

Of course, stuff can be ported & adapted - but I really don't think that's great as





‌ -


‌ has postedextensively about his adventures with this stuff - including the porting across various boards...

Posted on December 07, 2017 at 16:54

Not trying to argue this point, just adding a quick footnote while I write a longer direct commentary.

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Posted on December 07, 2017 at 17:00



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Posted on December 07, 2017 at 17:00

Clive One wrote:

The B-L072Z-LRWAN1 is ... perhaps the optimum development/learning platform. 

I would say so.

Posted on December 08, 2017 at 01:21

I thank Clive and Andrew for the input on this question.

As a person attempting to learn something new on a limited budget, the first order of the day is to see what resources on hand can be useful in a future endeavor, hence my original question.

I had ruled out the P-NUCLEO-LRWAN1, as it is marked by ST Microelectronics as NRND, Not Recommended For New Design, indicating that it is about to be retired.

I shall go the way of your responses and acquire a

