2018-08-28 2:46 AM
when the backup power domain gets reset, are the RTC backup registers guaranteed to be zero or can they be any arbitrary value?
2018-08-28 3:45 AM
Generally the whole point of a battery backed ram is to save the ram contents.
Usually there is no "Zero" hardware functionality, only a program solution you would create.
for a known stable state, use the last two bytes as a checksum of the entire backupRam-2 bytes
then you will know if your array has been cleared and initialised or else it needs clearing, and add checksum.
2018-08-28 4:47 AM
Ok thanks for the idea with the checksum. Maybe i did formulate my question not right, i meant the condition of the backup registers after there was no power at all to the whole Chip, including no backup power.
Thanks anyways!
2018-08-28 12:17 PM
I believe the data will be randomly set on a virgin power up.