2018-05-18 1:21 AM
Hi there,
I'm using a STM32F103 MCU and I want to sample two signals with ADC3.
I also want to sample the signals at 1kHz and to do that I think to use:
With Cube32Mx, I configure the ADC3 to be triggered by TImer2 Caputre Compare 3 event.
My problem is: I don't know ho to configure the timer to generate the trigger for ADC3.
These are my settings for ADC3
These are my settings for Timer2:
Thanks for the help!
Best regards,
#stm32f1 #adc3 #timer-triggered-adc2018-05-18 2:02 AM
,In the
application note you may find an example with snnipet of code about how to set up ADC1 to start single conversions every time TIM 8 overflows. Each time an end of conversion occurs the DMA transfers the converted data from the ADC to memory:-Nesrine-
2018-05-18 4:10 AM
Hi Nesrine,
thanks for the reply.
The application note refers to STM32F4 MCU. I use the STM32F1 serie.
2018-05-18 4:27 AM
,I give you this application note as reference to develop your own application.
otherwise refer to this example under the STM32F1 cube package :
2018-05-18 4:29 AM
I understand how to trigger the adc conversion by timer but I don't understand how to configure the peripheral with CubeMx and if my settings (show on top) are correct.