2013-03-10 09:56 AM
Once I initailize ADC in my program, it stop the SysTick timer Interrupt from working while ADC work correctly.I want ADC Interrutp to have higher priority than SysTick timer Interrupt.How do I set the priority Level correctly so that the SysTick timer & AD will work correctly?. ======SYSTEM TICK DOES NOT WORK WHILE ADC IS ENABLE================= int main(void) { Init_SysClock(); /*Initialize GPIO & Peripherals Clocks*/ Init_RCC(); /*Initialize GPIO*/ Init_ADC(); /*Initialized ADC in dual Mode*/ Init_PWM(); /*Initialize 17.5KHz PWM on CH 1-3*/ StartUp(); /*Align & RampUP BLDC Motor*/ if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000)) { while(1);/* Capture error */ } NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn,35); //Assign SysTick_IRQn = 30 | ADC interrupt Priority = 25(default) while(1) { } } ======SYSTEM TICK DOES WORK WHILE ADC IS DISABLE================= int main(void) { Init_SysClock(); /*Initialize GPIO & Peripherals Clocks*/ Init_RCC(); /*Initialize GPIO*/ //Init_ADC(); /*Initialized ADC in dual Mode*/ Init_PWM(); /*Initialize 17.5KHz PWM on CH 1-3*/ StartUp(); /*Align & RampUP BLDC Motor*/ if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000)) { while(1);/* Capture error */ } NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn,35); //Assign SysTick_IRQn = 30 | ADC interrupt Priority = 25(default) while(1) { } } =============================================================== //======================================================================== // ADC Configuration for CH10(PC0) - CH13(PC3) in Dual Simultaneous Injected Mode //======================================================================== void Init_ADC(void) { RCC-> CFGR |= RCC_CFGR_ADCPRE_DIV6; //ADC divided by 4 (12MHz) //Scan Enable| Injected Simultaneous Dual Mode Only |Discontinuous mode on injected channels Enable //Injected Interrupt Enable ADC1->CR1 = ADC_CR1_SCAN | INJECTED_DUAL_MODE_ONLY |ADC_CR1_JEOCIE; //ADC2 Config=>Interrupt enable for injected channels | Scan Mode*/ ADC2->CR1 = ADC_CR1_SCAN | ADC_CR1_JEOCIE; //Power Up ADC1 |Conversion on External Event Enabled | Enable TIM1 CC4 Trigger ADC1->CR2 = ADC_CR2_ADON | ADC_CR2_JEXTTRIG | TIM1_CC4_TRIG; //Power Up ADC2 |Conversion on External Event Enabled | Enable Software Trigger ADC2->CR2 = ADC_CR2_ADON | ADC_CR2_JEXTTRIG | SOFTWARE_TRIG; ADC1->SMPR1 = ((uint32_t)0x00000000); //CH10 - CH11 Sample Time = 239.5 cycles ADC2->SMPR1 = ((uint32_t)0x00000000); //CH12 - CH13 Sample Time = 239.5 cycles ADC1->JSQR = ADC_JSQR_JL_0 | Inject_CH10_CH11; //2 Injected conversions (CH10 & CH11) ADC2->JSQR = ADC_JSQR_JL_0 | Inject_CH12_CH13; //2 Injected conversions (CH12 & CH13) ADC1->CR2 |= ADC_CR2_RSTCAL; //Initialize ADC1 calibration register while ( ADC1->CR2 & ADC_CR2_RSTCAL ); ADC2->CR2 |= ADC_CR2_RSTCAL; //Initialize ADC2 calibration register while( ADC2->CR2 & ADC_CR2_RSTCAL ); ADC1->CR2 |= ADC_CR2_CAL; //Start ADC2 calibration while ( ADC1->CR2 & ADC_CR2_CAL );//Calibration Completed ADC2->CR2 |= ADC_CR2_CAL; //Start ADC2 calibration while( ADC2->CR2 & ADC_CR2_CAL );//Calibration Completed NVIC_EnableIRQ(ADC1_2_IRQn);//Enable ADC1_2 Interrupt in NVIC } void SysTick_Handler(void) { GPIOB->ODR ^= (1 << 8); } Regards2013-03-10 10:59 AM
On might hazard that there is a problem with your ADC interrupt handler, not shown, or the rate at which it is called. If you saturate the processor it will stay in the handler continuously.
2013-03-10 12:44 PM
Thanks for your response. I configure TIM1 PWM running at 17.5KHz to trigger the ADC in center align mode.The Code for the adc handler is shown below.Do you have any idea of how I can fix the problem?. void ADC1_2_IRQHandler(void) { if (ADC1->SR & ADC_SR_JEOC) /*ADC Injected channel end of conversion Completed*/ { if (BEMF_DETECTION_FLAG == TRUE) /*ZERO CROSSING DETECTION ENABLE*/ { GPIOB->BSRR |= (1 << 9); BEMF[2] = BEMF[5] = ADC1->JDR1; /*Read Phase A BEMF Value*/ BEMF[1] = BEMF[4] = ADC1->JDR2; /*Read Phase B BEMF Value*/ BEMF[0] = BEMF[3] = ADC2->JDR1; /*Read Phase C BEMF Value*/ Neutral_Voltage = (BEMF[0] + BEMF[1] + BEMF[2])/3;/*Compute Motor Neutral Voltage */ temp = BEMF[CurrentCommutationStep]; /*ZeroCrossing Evaluation*/ if (((ZC_Polarity == EDGE_RISING) && (temp > Neutral_Voltage)) || ((ZC_Polarity == EDGE_FALLING) && (temp < Neutral_Voltage))) { CommutationTime = TIM4->CNT; /*Store ZeroCrossing Time*/ /*Filter the Current Zero Crossing Time with earlier measurements through an IIR filter*/ FiltererdCommutationTime = (IIR_COEFF_A * CommutationTime + IIR_COEFF_B * FiltererdCommutationTime)/ (IIR_COEFF_A + IIR_COEFF_B); Commutation_TIM3_CCP1(FiltererdCommutationTime);/*Set TIM4 CCR1 to the Time of the Next Commutation*/ BEMF_DETECTION_FLAG = FALSE; /*Disable BEMF Evaluation*/ } } GPIOB->BRR |= (1 << 9); Current = ADC2->JDR2; /*Read Motor Current*/ ADC1->SR = ~ADC_SR_JEOC; /*Clear Injected channel Flag*/ } } Thanks2013-03-11 02:39 AM
Shouldn't the ADC2's interrupt source (JEOC) be checked/cleared, too?