2014-09-09 8:43 AM
I am designing a system with the STM32F407ZET. I need 3 ADC inputs. I only see ADC12_INx, ADC123_INx and ADC3_INx inputs. What does this mean? ADC12_INx inputs are connected to ADC1 and ADC2. ADC123 to ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3. And ADC3_INx is only for ADC3? Can I use 1 ADC123_INx input and use this input for 'triple interleaved mode'? I use the SPI port for a LCD with SPI interface. It only needs the SCK and MOSI. Can I use the MISO for another purpose and still use the SCK and MOSI in normal SPI mode (not bit banging!!)? Thanks in advance for your help. Kind regards, Ad #adc #stm32f42014-09-09 10:14 AM
Yes the ADCxyz_IN represents the ADC's to which a particular input is configured, there should also be a diagram of this somewhere.
Yes an ADC123_INx channel couple be used in triple interleave if you needed high rate conversions. Although this perhaps could generate an unmanageably large amount of data. On the F4 parts the AF mux works at a pin level, so if you don't need a pin for the interface you can drop it.