2018-03-25 03:29 AM
I want to use ADC which will be triggered by Timer 2 . I also want to use DMA to access adc converted data for fast sampling. Please help me for how to proceed?
2018-03-25 06:04 AM
do you have a board ? the Eval kits have a more fulfilling set of samples, depending on your journey thus far
do you have/use the cube ?
which processor is it ?
2018-03-25 06:34 AM
Review the reference manual and software examples for the specific board/part you are using.
2018-03-25 12:14 PM
I am using STM32F405 controller and cubemx is also used.
Problem is when to call HAL_ADC_START_DMA as ADC will be triggered by TIM2
Also timer 2 event frequency will have to changed from 1khz,2Khz,....3MHz.
So please help me
2018-03-26 12:18 AM
here is my startup code for the ADC, using timer15
ADC_RowCounter = 0; Ave_ADC_ChannelCounter = 0; ADC_ChannelsCounter = ADC_ChannelCount; // 15 ADC channels HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc, (uint32_t *)ADC_DMABuffer, ADC_ChannelCount);