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About ST-LINK V3SET and STM32F103C8T6 clone development board .

Ricky Gai
Associate III


Anyone here successfully connected STM32F103C8T6 clone board using ST-LINK V3SET ?


1. Here is the pins connection layout using CN2 JTAG:

+5V external ----> T_VCC pin 1

GND ---------------> GND pin 20

SWDIO ------------> T_SWDIO pin 7

SWCLK ------------> T_SWCLK pin 9

The actual connection is like below:


STM32CubeProgrammer already upgraded to latest ST-LINK V3SET firmware V3.J7.M2.B4.S1,


but I am unable establish connection to the STM32F103C8T6 board as shown picture below and the STM32CubeProgrammer CANNOT BE CLOSED:


I have reset by pressing the RESET button ( Software/Hardware reset options selected ) then followed by clicking the Connect button, the result still the same as shown above, any idea ?

My new ordered Nucleo F103RB board is on its way, but now I just wanted to test the STM32F103C8T6 clone board which is very common.

Please advise if there is any error connection above, I am new to ST-LINK V3SET.

2. The ST-LINK V3SET COM LED from the datasheet is stated Red color on power on, but sometime I notice it auto turned to Green color, is this normal ?

3. The ST-LINK V3SET cannot works if connected to a USB HUB, I have to isolate it to connect to a standalone USB port, what's the reason ? ( this is not practical as I have to unplug and plug in back manually and easily can damage the USB socket/connector in long run, the PC is far away from my workbench desk, I purposely need to use a long USB female socket cable and if with USB HUB, I can easily turn the switch ON/OFF ).

Thank you.


At least the bl*ckm*g*c debugger compiled for PC and using the STLinkV2 can SWD backend can see other devices. I did not test with stm32cubeprog.

ok, noted. Thanks.

There is now also an experimental bl*ckm*g*c firmware for the StlinkV3...

from STMicroelectronics or third party firmware ?

Third party...

ic, at least there are options. Thanks for sharing :o)

In the general sense pin 1 of the JTAG is used by buffers on the pods, and comes from the target board, so the SWD/JTAG signals are at the appropriate levels for the board being debugged.

Pin 1 of the 4-pin header on the east end of the Blue Pill should output 3V off the regulator (back side). You had previously attached 5V there, which could well have damaged the IC and the regulator.

In the bench supply case you'd inject 5V to the 5V marked pin, and not connect the USB.

Not able to discern the markings on the STM32F103 from the photography. Would need a sharper/larger image

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Can't you write blackmagixc?

..evidently not

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hi Tesla, yes I know, I purposely put the +5v to the +3.3V SWD VCC because I have tested it before using ST-LINK V2 +5V output to it.

In my previous experience and test, if I use 3.3V, the output pins 5V and 3.3V of the blue pill sometime not enough power to drive some other components correctly, I should not put the +5V there instead, it confusing, sorry about that.

hi Tesla DeLorean, thank you for the assistance given previously on the other thread, much appreciated.

Personally, I respected company that created great tools for its products, like Apple, that's why I purchased ST-LINK V3SET, well sure things not always smooth, may be I will use it for the Nucleo board that already on its way to me later if failed to return back the ST-LINK V3SET.