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About fonts on STM32F469I-DISCO

Associate II
Posted on November 08, 2016 at 19:28


I'm doing the first experiments with the board STM32F469I-DISCO.

I would like to write something, on LCD, bigger than font24 provided by ST library.

Someone can tell me how to do this?

I think will be very difficult to edit manually the file font24.c to create a bigger font e.g. font48.

Is there any program to create a file similar to font24.c?

Thank you


Posted on November 08, 2016 at 20:34

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Associate II
Posted on November 08, 2016 at 22:35

Thank you, but the demo version of emWin Font Converter produce a file not usable, glyphs are saved with a black border, and, at first look, the format of the file is different from the file used in ST library, this means that I need to change the function inside the library that read the font file.

I can not buy the full version, it cost Euro 2,200, too much for a hobby.

I will look for different solution or I will use the font24.c

Thank anyway for the answer.
