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2 micro second period with pwm output in stm32f373RCT6

Associate II


I am trying to generate pulse with PWM output with 2 micro second period and 50% duty cycle on STM32F373RCT6 on custom board. I have used Timer5.

APB1 frequency is 70MHz.

Prescalar value is 69 to generate counter clock frequency of 1MHz.

ARR value is 2 to give period value of 2 micro second.

Pulse width is 1 to generate 50% duty cycle.

But PWM Output frequency is coming 1.11khz (900 micro second).

Please help me in this matter. If any other information required please let me know.




Because your PLL and clock source setup is wrong or failed.

Output clocks via PA8 MCO and check them

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>>If any mistake I did please let me know

52.63 KHz x 140 is approximately 8 MHz, not 70 MHz

Poor frequency suggests running from HSI not PLL

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I will check.