2022-01-14 3:47 AM
Hi Everyone.
For some reasons, we want to switch the current MCU to STM32H745 in our new generation designs. To make POC, We are trying to generate code for Nucleo H745 example in the C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\MC_SDK_5.Y.3\Projects\NUCLEO-H745ZI folder. So far, unfortunately, We could not achieve code generation.
We have tried different versions of the CUBEMX and also different version of the MCSDK software. In total, We´ve tried about 10 combination of that versions. but unfortunately We could not. On the other hand, for STM32G4xx and STM32F4xx series boards, we could achieve. In addition, I tried all steps with my personal computer (w10), but no success.
Here is a photo what i mean
Also, I tried all the H7 HAL SDK includin V1.9.1 , V1.9.0, 1.5.0 but no success.
So, It will be really appreciated if you help me on this.
Best Regards.
Samet Kocatepe
2022-01-14 3:56 PM
MC_SDK_5.Y.3 incompatible with Cube MX 6.4.0.
Use Cube MX 6.3.0.
2022-01-17 5:40 AM
Thank you for your answer,
The first photo indicates mxV6.4
Second photo indicates mxV6.3.
I also tried all possible combinations of CubeMX version, MCSDK workbench and H7 FW.
As I said, I achieved to generate code for F4 series and G4 series. But I need to generate for H7 nucleo board.
Best Regards
Samet Kocatepe
2022-01-17 6:51 AM
Supported devices and boards
2022-01-17 7:26 AM
only through a ready-made example
2022-01-17 8:25 AM
Actually that was exactly what i am trying to success.
There is an example with STM32 H745 NUCLEO board (under "C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\MC_SDK_5.Y.3\Projects\NUCLEO-H745ZI" folder ).
I am trying to generate the code for that example without changing anything.
2022-01-24 2:03 AM
I am still trying to get to work this. Is there anyone who can help me on this?
Best Regards.
Samet Kocatepe
2022-01-24 5:02 AM
2022-01-24 7:09 AM
I was able to generate some code, however with some errors. Try the following:
You should now be able to click update and it will generate code. I dont recall what errors I got, but I think it wasnt able to generate all the files. Please, respond if you are able to generate and run code.
Best regards