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Why my motor jump one degree in MCSDK


Hardware : STM32G431RB + X-NUCLEO-IHM07MI

Current feedback : 3 shunt​

SDK : MCSDK version 5.4.6

Control mode : Position control

High frequence : 25KHZ

Mediumn frequence : 1KHZ

In below image green circle can see that my motor start to move always jump one degree.

I try 3 different motor also have this problem.

Can someone help why it happens or how to deal with it.


Thank you!

ST Employee

Dear KLu,

Firstly, we would like to sincerely apologize for the delay in replying to your post.
If your point is still pertinent, I made a test with WB5.4.8 + STM32G431RB + X-NUCLEO-IHM07MI + Motor with Quadrature encoder without index pin (Ch Z) and with 400 pulses per mechanical revolution, and I didn't notice such step after MC_ProgramPositionCommandMotor1() call.
Did you use a duration higher than zero for the function call?
Could you please try with WB5.4.8 or WB6.2.0?
On the other hand, could you please give us more details about your motors (pole pairs, sensor characteristics)?


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