2021-12-13 2:34 AM
I'm using the P-NUCLEO-IHM001 (Nucleo-F302R8 + X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1 + BR2804-1700KV-1) pack, with MCSDK-v5.Y.2 and CubeMX - v6.3.0 with default settings.
The project loads into the MCU and the motor spins at some speed when pressing the user button on the Nucleo board - i.e. all is well. However, when interfaced with UART, and using the ST Motor Pilot, then the state machine goes into FAULT_OVER state with error message "FOC duration".
What does this mean and why do I get this fault ?
BTW, the behaviour of the motor when leading up the error is different every time the state machine is reset (i.e. after fault is acknowledged) and entering "Run" mode ( i.e. pressing the "Start" command). Sometimes it goes right back into fault and sometimes it ramps up the speed - seemingly going into FOC mode. I.e. the behaviour is not deterministic.
2021-12-14 12:42 PM
Please try with the Pilot coming with 5.Y.3, and decrease the IRQ level as I mentioned in my first post :
HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(DMA1_Channel6_IRQn, 3, 0);
The baudrate is not an issue here, as now all the communication is managed by DMAs.