2021-06-24 7:10 AM
Hello. I've purchased 10pcs of the B-G431-ESC1 boards in hope I can quickly set them to work for my application (a robotic platform). Unfortunately, the software available on the ST site doesn't work with the board (not for me, anyway). First it advises to upgrade the firmware to the v1.4 (from v1.3). After profiling the motor (successfully) I switch to the Motor Control Workbench, where I set the Hall sensors use ON and do nothing more - just generate the code. then It suggests to open the STMCubeMX for some reason, where I can see or change the pin assignments, but since I don't want to mess with the automatically generated code - I do nothing but "generate the code" again... I still can't compile it and download to the device... Then I have options to open the folder or open the project - I chouse "open the project", which brings the STMCubeIDE Louncher asking me of the "workspace" location and then (after confirming) it louncjhes the IDE itself. I still don't want to mess with the sample project ("Potentiometer") so I just hit "buid" and some errors pop-up preventing me to just run the example code on the device... I've also tried to download some other projects with this same result or not working at all device after successful compilation (dear ST guys - be serious - with this level of complication there's no chance you enter the indie makers market... ).
In the meantime - can enybody share the code to run the B-G431-ESC1 as a ESC (PPM, PWM or analog input- doesn't matter - just the speed closed loop. I just need some working code to begin with. Thanks.
BTW: It would probably help if ST have updated their IDE to work with this board ( in most cases it doesn't show in options to choose.
2021-06-27 7:36 PM
Dear @MSzym.1
Welcome to the STM32 Community
Could you give more details to the STM32 Community about your setup -the material you use- ?
(HW and also SW: CPU(s), tools and versions, board(s), motor(s) and so on)
And more especially did you use STM32 MC tools (such as MC_suite, STM32 MC Motor Profile, STM32 MC SDK, STM32 MC Workbench, the used example, the origin of the base of your application source code, and so on)?
Best regards