2021-06-23 11:44 AM
I'm trying to spin my motor using ST Motor Control WB and STM32CubeIDE. In my code I programmed motor speed 1500rpm, but instead of that my motor started to spin with 9000rpm speed. When I set 6500 or 9000rpm speed it spins with 1800rpm. If I try to set it using Motor Control WB or Motor Pilot is spins correctly. Can someone help me with my code in IDE?
2021-06-27 7:43 PM
Dear @Kamil Wroński
Welcome to the STM32 Community
Could you give more details to the STM32 Community about your setup -the material you use- ?
(HW and also SW: CPU(s), tools and versions, board(s), motor(s) and so on)
And more especially did you use STM32 MC tools (such as MC_suite, STM32 MC Motor Profile, STM32 MC SDK, STM32 MC Workbench, the used example, the origin of the base of your application source code, and so on)?
Best regards