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[STSPIN32G4] how to change motor and power board configuration values and topology in MCSDK 6.0?

Associate III

I'm using EVSPIN32G4 - can I prepare own json file with inverter for MCSDK 6.0 project?

I'm trying to create it myself based on C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\MC_SDK_6.0.0\Utilities\PC_Software\STMCWB\assets\hardware\board\inverter\B-G431B-ESC1.json template.

When I'm changing:

"mcu": "STM32G431CBUx",


"mcu": "STM32G431VBTx",

inverter dissapears from list.

Is it even possible on this level of MCSDK 6.0?

Best regards

�?ukasz �?ęcki

cedric H
ST Employee

Hello �?ukasz,

From the time being, you can only change the configuration of the boards provided, but without changing the MCU. If you want to change the MCU, the proposed way is still to import the IOC generated by the Workbench with a known MCU into a new cubeMX project matching the mcu you target.

The STSPIN32G4 is not yet supported, it will come pretty soon.

Best Regards
