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Problem building the example with EVSPIN32F0251S1 board


Using the EVSPIN32F0251S1 board, I tried to use the example in the STSW-SPIN32F0251 library but I can't get 6 Steps commutation with Hall Effect sensors to build. Here are the steps that I have tried :

  • Download library
  • Unzip the file
  • Go Projects/EVALSTSPIN32F0H25-HallSensors/Applications/MotorControl
  • Open ioc file, and generete project for STM32Cube IDE
  • Open the cproject file
  • Include Middlewares/ST/MC_6Step_Lib
  • Include Drivers/BSP/*

Following these steps, I tried to compile, modify includes headers but I still have issues of variables not being found.

Any tips on how to correctly run the example from the library? Is there any paper explaining more in detail the software side of this board?


Laurent Ca...
Lead II

Dear @MDoyo.2​ 

Sorry for the late answer.

Do you have still this problem to solve?

And just in case, if not, do not hesitate to share the final solution you found. Thanks by advance.

Best regards